Some Links

It’s been a while long since I posted anything here on my blog, mainly due to the World Cup and a generally hectic schedule. Expect some reflections on church very soon, but for now, here’s some things around the web that have caught my attention this month.

– Eerdmans’ have new forthcoming releases catalogue. This includes a number of new commentaries. For me, the most anticipated is the new Pillar Commentary on 2 Peter and Jude by Peter Davids.

– Mark Roberts has been blogging on what could be the “end of the Presbyterian Church USA”. As usual his posts are thorough, Biblically informed and well thought out.

– There have been a few helpful parenting posts recently. Rob Wilkerson writes about blame-shifting. Tim Challies is one of a number to recommend a new booklet on Family Worship. Also Justin Taylor recommends a catechism for kids.

Castle Sands is a new blog to me, but one that I have been enjoying as it comes from a fellow reformed charismatic from Newfrontiers. He has a great post on faith, arguing that “faith is not about achieving certain outcomes, but a trusting in the character and promises of God”.

– I stayed out of the last debate on tithing, but Justin Taylor summarises some articles by Andreas Kostenberger and David Croteau. (Part 1, Part 2). I think there can be some muddled thinking about tithing, which churches can teach in a legalistic manner, even when their approach to the similar issue of Sabbath observance takes the exact opposite approach. What we need is to teach the principles of giving, that should result in people gladly giving more than a tenth, rather than begrudgingly doing their duty.

– Sovereign Grace continue to churn out some great new music with real depth to the lyrics. The latest project, “Valley of Vision” draws on prayers from the Puritans.

– The “Emergent/Emerging” church has generated a lot of controversy, and though I have some sympathies with their ideas, I think Rob Wilkerson’s insightful discussion of emergent humility highlights an important reason why I don’t feel able to identify with the movement as a whole.

– Dave Bish has already read his copy of Sam Storm’s new book Convergence and liked it.

– The Americans just don’t get the beautiful game… I set Justin Taylor right in the comments though.

– Final news. In the latest newfrontiers magazine we are promised that the papers from the newfrontiers theological forum are going to be made available online. I can’t wait! I wonder if Dan’s lament that there were only 12 people on the comittee has anything to do with this. (check out the comments there for James Farrer’s response – someone who seems to be in the know)

3 thoughts on “Some Links

  1. How exciting is the theological papers annoucement! It only seems like yesterday that we were enjoying a cup of tea over your dining room table and discussing whether Newfrontiers would take the step and get their wealth of resources published. Remember?!

    I still think they ought to open up their forums. Even if we can’t speak up, I for one would love to sit and here the likes of John Groves, Greg Haslam and John Hosier present papers like Terry describes!

  2. PS: Look forward to seeing you at Brighton next week I hope. I’ll be in the bookshop somewhere …

  3. We’ll have to fish around for information about when the next one is happening, and see if we can plan a covert mission to overhear it!

    I’ll be at the Brighton conference on the Thursday.

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